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what even is behind the screens?!

Hello and greetings from the printshop! You’ve stumbled on Behind The Screens, your hub for all things behind the scenes here at the Fennec studio! Ever wondered how we make...

Hello and greetings from the printshop! You’ve stumbled on Behind The Screens, your hub for all things behind the scenes here at the Fennec studio! Ever wondered how we make all the cool stuff on this site, what’s in Joelle’s drawing kit, or what’s spinning on the shop record player? Well you’ve come to the right place! Every week we’ll be sharing a look behind the curtain into our studio, our lives, and our creative process. It’s the perfect place to get to know us better, following along as we make cool stuff, and maybe even get step by step guides on how to create your own projects! 

While we share lots of little tidbits on our social media, Behind The Screens in a chance to get a more in depth look at our world. Long form writing has been an abiding passion of mine (Joelle) for years, and as someone who spent more time on Xanga and LiveJournal than anywhere else in early aughts (oops just dated myself a bit there), I’m excited to finally make sharing these dispatches a part of our regular schedule here at the Fennec HQ! We hope you’ll check back from time to time to see what’s new, but we’ll also be including features on the new posts here via our Secret Society Newsletter, so be sure to sign up with you want reminders of what’s new (plus some sweet discounts, freebies, and exclusives). 

Big love from our small shop,

Joelle and Justin Arawjo

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